I think it is fair to say every school has a bullying problem. It comes with the territory of youth culture and lessons learned while young. Coming up with creative ways to combat bullying in schools can seem impossible for school staff and parents. Across the board, like social media, and peer pressure gets more and more intense for their students, teachers have found themselves searching for backup. Pairing up with a speaker who will aid their cause on bullying with school assemblies on bullying has been a turning point for many student bodies.
Teachers have a passion for their students that no one else can boast but have very little extra time to pour into behavior issues they encounter. School assemblies on bullying can be a great way to draw all students and staff in one location, allowing the right speaker to deliver hope and encouragement into receptive hearts. Statistics show that most students who are being bullied at school won’t tell anyone about it. An assembly can be a great ice-breaking tool for those students who suffer in silence, alone, afraid to seek help. Once you have decided to go ahead with a school assembly on bullying, choose a relevant speaker for your age range.
Don’t be afraid to step out of the box, and try a new speaker. Search out a speaker that will bring a fresh perspective and a powerful and truthful message for your students. Students want to connect to someone and are hungry and eager to learn new life skills. School assemblies on bullying can be a great success, and many speakers focus in on that very subject. Beacon Assemblies is one such speaker who has a huge passion for overcoming bullying behavior in schools. Beacon uses his love for music to form a connection with students, using that open door to drop a powerful message into listening ears.