School assemblies on bullying have never been more necessary than they are today. As you consider providing this type of School Assembly, you will need to get a better idea of what to expect before you make any commitments and to set your goals in providing this type of event.
Will Your Expectations be Realized by Beacon’s School Assemblies on Bullying?
Beacon centers these school assemblies around his own struggles and experiences in life. As he relates his experiences, he brings powerful energy to the students. And through this energy, Beacon Light encourages students to make the right choices for their life, how to follow the best path and teaching them kindness towards one another. His presentation challenges them to change their school environment and illustrates how their actions will affect the world around them.
Beacon’s ability to speak to your students in their own language gives him the advantage that sets him apart from all others in providing a well-programmed school assembly – his language, “hip hop”! His avenue of stating the rights and wrongs in the world are not just spoken, he does not provide a “lecture”. His method of using the power of music to deliver his message will be remembered forever.
Beacon's anti-bullying assemblies are appreciated by both principals and school administrators. His presentation is rated 92% above other providers of assemblies in this category. These exceptional reviews are no accident. Beacon has a commitment to his craft and his ability to communicate with students will reduce or eliminate experiences of bullying in schools across America.
We believe if your students attend one of Beacon's school assemblies on bullying, the experience would be beneficial. You will see your students respond in a positive way to this encouraging message, which will change the culture of bullying in your school. Please contact us today, we look forward to hearing from you! Beacon is proud to be a member of the Relevant Speakers Network!